Trip to see Taylor!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


So as per usual Christmas is a very difficult time for me.  So I will just focus on gifts for people.  Probably the two most difficult people in the world to shop for are my mom and dad.  They really have everything they could possibly want or need.  So this year I thought what could I give them that would be so much fun? And perhaps start a new Christmas decision.  And it wouldn't it be extra nice to start a tradition that would allow you to blissfully ignore deep conversation and bring on silly fun games.  So I thought why don't I get them a Wii?!  Not only that they could use the Fit portion which would be good for both of them.  Hopefully they will use it more than once a year but other than that it is super difficult to shop for them.  Also, once I got going thanks to Taylor I knew I had to get extra controllers.  Then I thought to add a few more accessories and before you know it a whole lot more than I thought.  Oh well I really really hope they like it and if it can make Christmas more tolerable then it will be worth every penny.
I got the black Sports bundle (black becuase all their other electronics are black) and the Sports packages look really fun.

The stepper addition :)

Extra "boy" controller.

Two of these for me and my mom to have pink.

The Wii Fit Board.

Charger station becuase thanks to Taylor I know the batteries get zapped pretty fast.

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