Our conversations continued with phone calls at night and emails throughout the day...
Subject: I won't rise to the occasion, but I'll slide over to it.
From: Spencer
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Teagan
Question of the day...
Our subject line for all of yesterdays traffic was "question". What shall it be today?
"I won't rise to the occasion, but I'll slide over to it." I like it... Its smooth.
Our conversation last night was short, fast, and a blast. I think its fun, that your flatmates are the way they are. I am looking forward to meeting them, and getting grilled. It has been some time, sense I had that kind of questioning. I am more than sure it will not be terribly bad, more questions and understanding. By no means will I differ away from that, I think its rather important. I will be more than cooperative with all inquiries. I know I say it over and over, but I am really looking forward to getting out there. I hope your morning is as going as good as possible, and like always I hope to hear from you soon...
From: Teagan
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Spencer
I'm liking the subject line today ...it is smooth haha.
Glad you don't mind it my flatmates are very sweet and totally look out for me. It really is great and I'm guessing the grilling won't really be in an obvious manner. They more will observe and be like we like him or we don't ...trust me there are little things they pick up on and I'm like huh I never saw that...I really lucked out because I moved in here without meeting them so it could have been completely horrible and like moving into a frat house or something but it has been great. We are even having champagne brunch at our house Sunday all together which we have been meaning to repeat since August...last time I think we killed 4 bottles of champagne ended up lounging by the pool for a few hours then bowling then dinner then watching a movie all on a lazy Sunday (our condo randomly has 2 lanes of bowling). I am looking forward to you getting here...and getting to know you more. I guess I'm not being all cool and aloof and playing the wait to respond a day or two kinda game that seems to be the rule sometimes...oh well what can I do haha.
Talk to you soon
PS is it bad I totally just rolled out of bed...I don't start work until 11:30 though and I have this big presentation today at 5:30
From: Spencer
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Teagan
I think the waiting to respond rule, was out in high school. I am voting, if you want to talk... Talk. It does seem you did get very lucky with you flatmates! I do very much agree that they will be able to pick up on things that you normally might not. I am not saying its your lack of attention, but you are such a nice and sweet person. Sometimes having a little negativity will create a train of thought that normally would not come out. I really enjoy being on a positive note most of the time. I hate dumb arguments. Anyways back on focus, your positive attitude... Is amazing! Keep it up and running full steam ahead! Let your flatmates look at me with not necessarily a negative outlook, but more like an unbiased one. Having your best intrest in mind is at the top of the food chain!
See!!! I used to be this totally positive person! haha now I'll continue
From: Teagan
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Spencer
Nice I didn't much like the whole game playing thing very much. Yeah I am pretty lucky with the flatmates. I can admit I can be a tad bit oblivious to situations...my best friends in school used to say I was way too gullible and had to be more careful. I guess I'm lucky so far that being that way hasn't put me in a dangerous situation. I'm on the same page as you dumb arguments are a waste of time. I like being positive nothing bothers me more then people that are so negative that they just complain all the time...now I'm rambling haha Thank goodness it is Friday! I'm excited to see my friends tonight at the embassy which is random that they have drinking there...I'm guessing they won't let you take pictures though haha.
Just to give you the "inside scoop" in Singapore at the American Embassy sometimes they host a bar.
Or should I say the marines raise funds by hosting a bar on the rooftop. It usually ends up breaking into beer pong at the end of the night. The drink prices are always the lowest in Singapore and it is usually a really fun night. So if anyone ever says Beer Pong at the Embassy? Please go it is so fun...though you do need to bring a passport and no cameras/cell phones allowed (well they are checked in like coat check).
From: Spencer
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Teagan
YAY! It is Friday, and I am still unsure as to what I am doing. VT and ECU are playing football. I might throw a guys night at my place, do some foot ball and wings. I remain with the fact that a man sometimes needs only to be a man. Its wings and beer only... unless, you at least have one chick, then more food can be present. So making it easy, I think I just talked myself into having guys night! Rest assure that I will be prob playing beer pong tonight as well. You better practice, when we play together... WHEN that day comes, I want to destroy all other teams. I am putting you up there. haha That little beer pong bit was pretty intense from my end... haha.
How is work going? What time do you get off today? Are you packed with work today? Or are you talking to people right now?? hahaha
From: Teagan
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009
To: Spencer
I know right thank goodness for Friday! Oh sounds like fun ...and there is nothing wrong with a wing and beer party...football parties gosh I miss those! I just realized this is my first college bowl and superbowl away from North America...what am I supposed to do I always go to big parties...oh no it totally is going to be on at 6 am right yuck! I wish I could have a girls night...my Texas girls all left me FB messages and my Canadian girls all sent me emails so I'm feeling a tad homesick right now. But then I remember I'm going to an island off the coast of Malaysia in a few weeks ! and I can jump to Bali or Thailand for the weekend whenever I want...life is not bad here in Singapore. Okay we will for sure destroy all other teams I don't like to lose. I will definitely be getting some practice in tonight...though I'm not really a fan of beer maybe they will let me do it with like rum and coke.
Work is good just have this talk looming at 530. I should be done talking around 630pm unless then have tons of questions and then sneak home quickly to change and off to beer pong at the embassy. I just have to finish up with work today was kinda boring and it is now raining yucky!
So here we were to people getting to know one another.
Our conversations were getting more in depth.
I think I was still trying to be cautious because of the fact I didn't know how it would work out.
After all I knew he lived in Korea and I lived in Singapore.
I just knew that talking to him made me happy.
We talked that night on the phone and that weekend.
Spencer told me he wanted to send me something that he had worked on for about a year.
It was his thoughts and opinions on love.
Specifically he had given a lot of thought on the topic especially seeing a lot of breakups amoungst his friends when they were serving (who would have guessed that? but apparently it was pretty common place).
He had also had a heartbreaking story (that he would tell me in the future) about him that made him really sit down and re-evaluate his thoughts on love.
We weren't exchanging "I love you"s at this point but we were talking about the subject of love.
And my interests were definitely peaked.
To be continued....

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