My apologies as it has been awhile since I've followed up with these ExboyfriendProject posts.
I think I've been feeling extra hurt and trying to figure out this whole Spencer thing.
However, I realize maybe I just need to push through...
Here comes some attempts.
At this point Spencer was mere days away from coming to Singapore for his first visit.
I was falling for him...too fast...
I think I've been feeling extra hurt and trying to figure out this whole Spencer thing.
However, I realize maybe I just need to push through...
Here comes some attempts.
At this point Spencer was mere days away from coming to Singapore for his first visit.
I was falling for him...too fast...
Subject: I dig you
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Spencer
Hi babe,
Just about to start a meeting with my staff. talk to you soon
didn't want to send a text in case phone was on
So just to make you laugh and of course there are things that remind me of you but I go to my inbox and there is a magazine in there...The Korean Wave Hallyu Korea Sparkling (these Asian English titled magazines are hilarious by the way) looks like an airplane magazine ...don't know who put it in my inbox at work but I'll take it haha
lunch for me is between 2-4ish so I will text but I don't want to interupt your meetings etc. so I will only text once at the beginning of lunch kay...
PS 8 sleeps
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
Hey Sweetheart,
I hope you are having a great day at work, I must say I am thinking about you all the time. I don't think these next 8 days could come fast enough. I am having an okay day at work, I just want this day to end so that I can talk to you. Most of all its one more day closer to being in your arms! Hope to hear from you soon babe!
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
haha, I think we send our emails at the same time!!! This is getting weird.... Not surprised though....
-Your Man
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Spencer
I'm not surprised any more at all...I chalk it up to yeah that's "us"...things certainly drag when you have something you are so excited for ...I don't think I've ever been so excited to see yeah it's dragging
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
It sure is great to here from you, and the fact that you share my feelings! I miss you like crazy! Know what you never did! It has crossed my mind everyday! You never replied to my Love email.... you know that thing I sent you... Thanks, Teagan ! Honestly I think you forgot! its cool sweetheart!
I dont have any more meetings today! I am free, to do anything with you.....
Via telephone.... Sorry
FYI those spaces were all his own...You can see I'm falling...our conversations would last for hours at night and we would email each other a ton these that I'm sharing.
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Spencer
Will be on lunch soon...will call...I miss you a ton...will talk about that Love email didn't forget about it (okay maybe a day or two I did) but it warrants a conversation probably better than an email you know...I wish you were free to do anything with me today and you weren't thousands of miles (I think you know how I am at geography) to be able to spend my 2 hour lunch with you...Heaven!
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
I am sure looking forward to This is crazy, I thought when I left DC the bb days for gone for at least a year... Great.... I still miss you btw. O ma'am its been more than two days...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
Hey babe, thanks again for yet another great conversation...
I just spent my two hour lunch gabbing on the phone with Spencer. It was like we couldn't get enough of talking to one another. It was fun and exciting and I really wasn't interested in talking to anyone but him. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I had never felt this way before.
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Spencer
Ok I just saw a new client ...And his name...Spencer...only my new favourite name on this planet haha.
On the name note that was who I was named after (famous actress)...even spelled the same way
(Spencer and his dad had asked me during our night conversation who I was named after but then our conversation had jumped to something else quickly so I was updating him).
(Spencer and his dad had asked me during our night conversation who I was named after but then our conversation had jumped to something else quickly so I was updating him).
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
I don't know why I seemed surprised, its like the normal thing with us... There are more signs than I can count.... My dad just said that. "I am sure I will get along with her dad" hahaha
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 5:24 AM
To: Spencer
yeah my dad picked my name haha not surprised at all so in my back yard we have 3 different bbq (gas, charcol and something else that I'm not sure what is and I will have to tell you about it tonight ...I know you like grilling I just forgot about my backyard in Canada we need to do a summer trip there
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
All of that sounds amazing. 8 more nights babe
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
I like the fact that we are talking about summer vacation.
From: Teagan
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Spencer
I just realized that now...PS I'm thinking a lot further then just summer vacation but I probably shouldn't tell you that
From: Spencer
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2009
To: Teagan
Music to my ears babe
Let me look into flights tomorrow, I agree I need to be with you. Teagan, thus far you are the best thing that has happened to me girl..I want you in every way shape and form, and I never want to let go
Spencer hadn't even arrived to visit yet and we were booking tickets for Christmas because at that point we couldn't bear to think of NOT spending Christmas together. I was excited and falling head over heels for Spencer.
To be continued...

Pic from here
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