At this point our phone conversations were getting longer and longer and we were talking to each other ever minute that we could. I remember taking home the subway and I would call him as soon as I left my office and talk to him the whole 1/2 hour home and then some. Sometimes I would sit outside my condo for an hour just to not stop our conversation because I would lose reception in the elevator. It couldn't go any better. I thought I maybe would lift my birthday curse (more about that later).
Subject: Goodmorning Sweetheart!
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
Wow, last night was amazing. I wish I could find the words that expressed what I am feeling. This morning I was like dad, I talked to Teagan last night. Of course he was like, that’s great Spencer. I told him no, I TALKED TO TEAGAN LAST NIGHT.... he though it was good when he failed to guess the time we talked for. His response was simply the same, wow. Looking back at our conversations, It’s just amazing. I love every minute I am able to communicate with you. I am very close to 100% that no one understands truly what we are feeling right now. With all that said. I think the world of you, and will do anything to be with you. I understand our week together will tell so much, I am looking forward to our time very very much! I am excited, just sitting here at work, thinking about all that can come!
Please, don’t let work get you down. I know you would never show it while working. Just like I need to be your rock, I think your staff looks to you the same way. It is my absolute honor to be able to be the shoulder you lean on! I will never let you fall! I take pride in the fact that you have in a way chosen me to be that man. Maybe some how turn that with your staff, providing that stronghold for them, the one that does bend with the wind. I know one thing is for sure, after getting to know who you are. I am sure you are already there! Sometimes we need reminders. I am proud of all your accomplishments, and the person I have come to adore!
have a great day sweetheart!
P.S. Hell yea I am going to Kiss you in the Airport! (if its ok? haha)
Your Man,
Spencer Jacob X
PS Yes his middle name is the same as Jacob’s maybe I should have taken that as a sign! Also part of our conversation was all about how he had wanted to kiss me when he had originally dropped me off at the airport when I was in Korea. But he planned on fixing that at the airport when I picked him up in Singapore.
From: Teagan
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Spencer
Ummm wow...what can I say...I'm speechless stunned...happy. I love every minute that I talk to you and its crazy but at the end I feel excited and happy and could almost talk for longer if we both didn't have to work and it was 230/330 am respectfully. I think you are amazing and I feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world!
Don't worry about work I'm good. I always am it just was like... hmmm let me see as if I was trying to swim in the scary ocean and got hit by a lot of wave after wave ...ok maybe silly analogy but I was just like come on people lets all just relax and see what happens. I know once they meet you and come to know you they will know that you are just as amazing as I say. I hope you have a wonderful day! Book those Christmas tickets babe :) oh or are you going to wait to see how next week goes? hmmm
PS you better kiss me in the airport though I am completely nervous about it (in a totally good way)
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
No, I know how the trip is going to go! By no means am I worried about it. O yea, I am all about seeing you on valentines day! and I will start planning that as soon as I get back from Singapore . I think that trip will be tons of fun to plan! So you mean to tell me you have an entire week off in Feb? 14-22 right?
Your Man
From: Teagan
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Spencer
I didn't even realize that was Valentines day haha yup I work Sat 13th until and then I don't have to work again until Tuesday the 23rd :) So so excited at all the possibilities
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
The possibilities are crazy as to what we can do! My mind is turning like crazy right now! This is great! We can plan where we go, but I want to do the details within our trip! Pa Pa Pa Please let me???
From: Teagan
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Spencer
You can free reign babe
From: Teagan
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Spencer
somewhere warm please
From: Spencer
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009
To: Teagan
O we decide the place together, but I get to do the details....
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Seriously! This is how it was going. It was fun and exciting and he was telling me everything I dreamed of hearing one day from someone. I was trying not to get too hopeful and excited but I was. We were already planning on the next holiday which was Chinese New Year when I next had a bigger chunk of time off of work.
I was starting to think (but trying not to think this way in case it didn't work out) finding myself thinking...maybe THIS is that connection that "everyone talks about" maybe this is "it" I was for sure still falling for Spencer...way too fast.
To be continued...
Seriously! This is how it was going. It was fun and exciting and he was telling me everything I dreamed of hearing one day from someone. I was trying not to get too hopeful and excited but I was. We were already planning on the next holiday which was Chinese New Year when I next had a bigger chunk of time off of work.
I was starting to think (but trying not to think this way in case it didn't work out) finding myself thinking...maybe THIS is that connection that "everyone talks about" maybe this is "it" I was for sure still falling for Spencer...way too fast.
To be continued...

Pic from here
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