I guess I'm just trying to understand it all.
Maybe I missed the huge flashing lights and waving flags of warning.
Which is why I'm going through all of it.
Maybe I can actually learn something from this huge catastrophy.
Maybe I can figure out why this all happened.
Maybe it is just to write it down so I can truly leave it in the past where it needs to be.
In this batch of communication we are talking about being excited for Spencer's impending visit to Singapore. We are flirting and still getting to know one another but throw that in with multiple phone calls a day and I felt like we were in fast forward.
We were getting to know one another and I admit I was infatuated...
From: Teagan
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009
To: Spencer
Hey you,
tried to call...just got in now...wished I didn't miss your phone call. I'm trusting you had a wonderful night. Talk to you soon. I tried to text but I need to purchase my next boost of long distance card.
From: Spencer
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009
To: Teagan
I am running crazy right now with work. I am feeling great today. Everything is going really well, I have my team doing great things. I am going to do everything in my power to ensure my company stays. I hate to lose, and there I was about to pack everything up and just quit! The assholes just made it personal! I think my energy today has put a jump start into my ol man as well. Really chicka, everything is good. I am going to try my best to do the best I can. This will work great with rolling into our vacation together! I will be stress free, and more able to sit back and relax. Ok, on a different note. I am a little nervous about the email I sent you earlier. you know the one about love?? I heard no feedback? hmmm. one can only think ma'am... Wasn't good huh? lol
I hope as always, that you are doing great. I am thinking about you!
Just to clarify...he was in a high stress job in Korea. The great thing was his dad had just moved there in July to also work with him. He basically hired on his dad as his boss. And obviously I still didn't know what to say or how to explain his "thought on love" email (you can read that HERE if you missed it).
From: Teagan
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009
To: Spencer
Hey you,
I've had an insane last day and today is just as busy. We had a new assistant start and I usually try and take them under my wing a little bit. So I wasn't able to fully concentrate on your email at work and then after work I had met up with some people and didn't get home until late (I only emailed). So this morning I got up early to look at it and decided I definitely need to read it carefully and not while I'm exhausted. So is it fair to look at it tonight and give you a proper response. I definitely don't want you stressing over it. What I can say so far is that this is something you really spent time with and I'm excited to really read it properly.
I do have to say it is really fun to talk to you and communicate like we have been. I did find myself missing talking to you last night before going to bed...though the rules dictates I probably shouldn't be telling you that haha. I don't care I'm having a lot of fun getting to know you and it just makes me that much more excited for when you come to visit which is less than two weeks now.
Okay so when you can I want an update about work because I feel like something is going on...was there a shift or something. Is your company still thinking of leaving? Is that guy still stirring the pot? I understand I would hate to lose as well especially since I'm sure you basically got this entire thing off the ground yourself. Did it get more personal or is it the same old thing he is trying to make stick. Thats good it gave your dad some more energy too.
Again, I'm excited for you to visit and I'm glad it will be nice and stress free. I think we will have a blast together and I'm glad you are coming to Tioman with my closest friends here.
Talk to you soon
From: Spencer
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009
To: Teagan
Ok, I check my phone about every 15 minutes.... Take a guess why.... lol
From: Teagan
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2009
To: Spencer
why's that?
Talking to Spencer felt great.
I admit I was still trying to be cautious and avoid getting to infatuated.
It did fell great to have someone who was appearing to be more infatuated than me!
I wanted to just see how it went ...I knew his visit in less than two weeks would tell a TON...
To be continued...

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