There was so much build up and anticipation before Spencer came to Singapore.
We would speak for hours daily.
I had fallen for him over the phone.
I knew his visit would tell so much.
But I will be honest I was already in love with him.
For the first time I was hearing all the things I was so desperate to hear.
I really thought this is what everyone searches for.
I remember being so nervous the day he was coming.
I had taken clothes and makeup to change into after work,
as his flight arrived around 9:30pm from Korea.
I remember getting ready at work and my boss was there.
She went to get me a half bottle of wine to drink as I got ready
(I guess I really was that nervous).
I remember what I wore that day.
I remember washing my face and expertly reapplying makeup.
Slipping my feet into high heels because I remember how tall he was.
We had that impending and anticipated first kiss that we had talked about frequently.
I was so ridiculously nervous.
I remember being in the airport and calling his phone.
Hearing his voice comforted me immensely.
It helped with my jitters more than the wine.
I remember falling into his arms.
It felt right.
We were both nervous.
He was wearing a linen suit that looked fabulous on him.
I remember thinking he was thinner and lankier than I had remembered.
But it didn't matter.
For the first time (with a guy)I was attracted to everything that made him HIM rather than just the physical part.
We giggled and were both too nervous to make the first move and kiss each other so we just held hands and hurried to the taxi line.
We got into a cab to his hotel (which I thought was very appropriate and gentlemanly that he was staying in hotels the whole time because we were still in the early stages).
We got him checked in.
One thing I remember is going into his bathroom where I noticed his toothbrush and toothpaste (he must have immediately brushed his teeth as soon as we got there).
This stuck out because I sort of have an issue with toothpaste.
It's all because I hate mint and so I have to get used to one and it is extremely hard for me to change.
And wouldn't you know it he used the exact same brand and flavour of toothpaste (surely this was yet another sign).
So we had a drink in his room and decided to go grab some food together.
But before Spencer said..."I want to give you your birthday gift Teagan".
And pulled out a Tiffany Blue Box.
My heart was pounding.
I immediately began with the "you shouldn't haves" etc.
As my face flushed pink with pleasure and excitement.
And I unwrapped it...hoping it wasn't anything too crazy (we were still early on after all).
It was a pen from Tiffany's with a pink band.
It was perfect.
Especially for my type of work.
What a completely amazing perfect gift.
I gave him a big hug.
So then we were heading out of his room.
Spencer paused with his hand on the door and turned to me and said...
"Teagan I've been dying to kiss you since I first saw you and I can't wait any longer"
And with that he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
And it was perfect and passionate and just felt so completely right.
I was drunk with love.
It was over for me right then and there.
I wanted nothing more than to be with him forever.
As we climbed into a cab to head out for some late snack and drinks.
We were chatting and holding hands and he turned to me and blurted out "Teagan I love you".
It was the first time he told me and I was stunned.
We had alluded to it in conversation but never came right out and said it.
He was saying how I felt but was too afraid to say.
I responded by kissing him.
Still too afraid to echo those words back.
I also didn't want him to think I said it just because he did.
We stayed out until about 4am.
Just talking and kissing and being able to finally spend that time together.
I fell asleep in his arms (I was not planning on staying with him and no we didn't sleep together that night) he had given me his pajama pants and a t-shirt to change into.
I had to wake up early to head home to change before work the next day.
Let's just say I didn't look that great leaving a very high end hotel in Singapore in plaid pajama pants a t-shirt and shiny patent black about a walk of shame.
One of the things I absolutely loved was that Spencer came with me by cab to drop me off at my place.
He was perfect and a gentleman and my heart was bursting with love.
It was the perfect start ever.

Pic from here, here,
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