Probably since coming off the high of Dallas trip and Michigan trip.
Stressed with work.
Over thinking my text messages etc with Will.
Trying to figure out about the dating situation over here.
Monday and Tuesday it was just about getting through the work day.
On Wednesday after more than a year of back and forth texting I finally met up with one of my friends from high school let's call him Mitchel.
So I suggested meeting at Fabbrica at the Shops at Don Mills
(where I went with my parents a few weeks ago).
Had a great time and it was fun to see pictures of his little one and wife.
So that was a fun Wednesday night.
Thursday I was supposed to go out with MrPravda.
And this is how it went down.
So my deal (obviously is I detest when plans change and I like to know exactly what's going on...hence the 5:21pm confirmation by myself.
So I was quite perturbed to receive this information at 6:49pm.
So it was Thursday and I was exhausted.
And I wanted to give him an out...and then he seriously suggested I meet him at JackAstor's.
Y'all know how I feel about that...
So if he was just like my buddy and wanted to meet for a drink.
Not a problem.
The thing is I don't love that area around that mall.
It is generally fairly sketchy and just not where I like to hang out.
The other is supposed to be a date.
I wouldn't mind if it was like a friend and not a big deal but I don't know it's just I didn't have the motivation to get dolled up and drive my butt over there.
So I just couldn't handle it anymore and clearly didn't feel like going.
As soon as he texted me MrPravda gave me a call.
And we tried to reschedule something for this morning.
Friday night I had my friend Shelby in town for a baseball tournament.
She didn't get here until about 12:15am though.
And we stayed up chatting.
This morning MrPravda and I had more texting miscommunication and when he hadn't confirmed (again) with 25 minutes until we were supposed to hang out...I'm kind of irritated.
I also know that I'm probably just not that into him.
So I bailed on plans I'm supposed to text him later on today but I think I'm just going to chill out at my place.
I think I was a little cocky when I went away.
Wondering what texts I would have waiting for me when I got home.
And then not really having any.
Granted they soon did follow from MrPravda, B, and MrRealtor.
And I have not heard from MrDentalSurgeon since here.
Only I'm not sure what to do about any of them.
Taylor had the suggestion that I just scrap all of them and start fresh.
Also I'm just trying not to think about Will and what happened last weekend.
Tonight is Laurel's birthday party.
She's turning 29 and to pay tribute to her last birthday she is doing it up as keg frat party.
The pros and tennis hoes.
It's going to be the best kind of trouble!
Oh yea AND just to update y'all on my nails (from this crappy experience).
I took off the shellac polish Thursday night and yesterday I broke my thumb nail in like the weirdest way ever.
So I think that shellac manicure ruins your nails for sure.
Or at least the place where I went messed them up.
So I'm going to go back to chilling on my couch!

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