In that weird mixed up way of feeling relief over a big stressful week at work last week and the influx of emotions/stress of the fact of the constant work stress that is all part of it.
The stress that makes me seriously consider going back to school.
But that is mainly because I'm feeling so darn scattered.
Which means it's time for the most random blog post of all time.
I feel like I need to go back to completing MyExboyfriendProject.
But how to do it.
The same way you would eat an fork at a time.
So I'm thinking trying to add one "chapter" per week so that I can at least get it done.
And below is some hilarious good advice...just saying...
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Pic from here |
I get to decorate "my room" in our families new Florida vacation home.
Here is the room currently...

So so so excited!
I'm thinking something SUPER preppy.
Perhaps Lilly Pulitzer inspired (after all I am on a budget y'all).
Perhaps things involving bows and stripes???
Any suggestions out there???
Here's the bedroom set I've picked out already because it was very "Floridian" to me.
I hope it's more white than in the picture.
And clearly it is super duper reasonable.
I also am hoping to trade out the dresser for a tall 5 drawer dresser because I'm not a huge fan of the attached mirror to the long dresser.

I love to match my shoes to my outfit.
Like here.
And recently I'm super obsessed with wearing cardigans with my dress shirts.
I feel like the way it blocks a line in the middle makes me look skinnier
I know I know I'm probably being silly but this is the way my weirdo mind works.
And I totally have a KimKardashian butt.
Seriously even in work dress clothes.
Seriously I totally have a shelf...see how my cardigan folds in in the back?!
I just looked over at my empty frames Taylor gave me (see here).
I so need to order pictures to put in them.
Maybe this weekend.
I totally suck at having pictures printed.
It also makes me want to organize a photoshoot.
Heck I know tons of people who do engagement photos etc.
So you know what I want to do.
Get hair and makeup done and do a bestie photoshoot.
Get pictures taken by someone who agrees to photoshopping my butt down a size or two haha.
Something I would love to use as a facebook profile pic and someone who is able to capture a bestie friendship very well on film.
How to make this happen???...
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From this previous post |
I had the WEIRDEST thought today.
Because I'm such an overthinking nerd.
I missed TheBachelor Canada castings/applications.
(Not that I seriously would go in...imagine US weekly breaking the scandle of Spencer etc).
Anywho my crazy thought of the day on why MrDentist perhaps disappeared....
I was thinking maybe he is the new Bachelor!!!!
Just saying and if that is the case ....holy moly and I have a time stamp on my prediction haha.
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Pic from here |
I mailed out Taylor's surprise today (that I talked about here).
I wanted to add some extras but I thought I could just send them at a later time instead.
Because I was too darn excited.
And I can only hope I didn't over-hype it (huge potential for this!)
We shall see.
I need to get of my butt and sign on to my EH account and get dating.
I'm just obviously for some reason procrastinating.
Will may come to visit this month!
So super excited to see him.
I wrote about him (here) if you don't know who he is.
I need to get a little more strict with my workouts.
Especially with a Florida trip coming up (yipes bathing suit!)
Need to have some renewed focus/energy there.
Could I be any more of a jumbled up rambly bunch of thoughts...
I think not.

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