My name is Teagan and I have a flair for the overdramatic.
As in right now.
As in I'm perplexed and pacing my apartment which means it's time for another round of way too honest and way too much detail and just writing it out on the blog.
It may just be one of those nights that if I was in Dallas.
I would turn up on Tay's door step with a bottle of wine and comfy clothes on just cause.
Now that makes it sound uber depressing (which it is not).
Just I'm perplexed and need a bestie to lean on.
So here it goes.
I totally am crushing way WAY to hard on MrDentist.
As in I need to get a grip and perhaps go on more dates with others.
Which I know seems so very counterituitive.
So last we left it I had a great Friday into Saturday.
Saturday was a rollercoaster.
I thought I was doing the mature and right thing letting him have his guy's night.
However part of me wishes I had tagged along (the selfish part of me that was bitter and irritated sitting at home on a Saturday night).
On Sunday I had a change of plans.
So I invited MrDentist to come by for a drink on his way home.
To which he didn't know how Sunday would go for him but said he was thinking he could visit Wednesday night* as on Thursday morning he was headed out to a guys trip to Vegas.
I (after consulting heavily with Tay) replied breezily "sounds great".
I didn't hear from him at all on Sunday.
But was greeted with a Monday 7:15am text of good morning and a soon to follow message of "can't wait to hear your voice" doubleswoon!
We texted back and forth most of the day.
I spoke to him for about 10 minutes before I suggested he talk to MissDentist (I though her boyfriend had flown out that day but I got confused with Tay).
Then he texted me to say he had to call his dad next.
Then I didn't hear from him until the am good morning text today which included an explanation of him falling asleep on his ocuhc and waking up on it after midnight.
Which led to more flirty texts today.
On my way home I decided to stop at the grocery store to have some things here just in case.
Her is the funwithpaint proof.
Of my stocked fridge.
Seriously I'm either head over heels for this guy or I'm just a little bit of an overthinker.
I tried to illustrate my thinking behind each of these items.
I tried to call him at around 9:15pm.
He messaged me he was in a business meeting and may have to continue said business meeting tomorrow night :( and that is his unhappy face which pretty much matched mine.
Then a "call u soon".
Which was exactly one hour and eleven minutes ago.
Combine that with some unsettling home news (which is not for this blogs information).
And a little bit of stress for a last minute Monday/Tuesday overnight trip that I'm actually majorly stressing.
And I'm a stressball.
*I think I need to take a deep breath and realize that sometimes
when someone says something it isn't always promise.
Even if I want it to be.
Did I mention I am a tad overdramatic?!
Also the teeniest tiniest part of me then thinks about this mess of unanswered messages
from Jacob.
Did you really think he would stop?
Here they are in chronological order...
PS Thanks Tay for teaching miss this cool feature on the iPhone.
So a few things of the above messages.
#1 how about a round of applause for all the UNANSWERED messages (yay!)
#2 so WEIRD how he messages me over and over and doesn't try to call or anything else!
#3 have to admire his persistance
#4 one of those is a actually a quote from a Gavin DeGraw song (see video below)
So it is now 10:50pm and more importantly MrDentist hasn't called.
I should just go to bed.
And pretend I'm not anxiously awaiting his phone call.
And try not to be disappointed if I just get a "good morning" text in the morning.
And not be perturbed that likely he isn't spending the night tomorrow.
Even if I thought he totally promised.