Because I had JUST enough time to change quickly before MrDentist picked me up.
Only he arrived about 30 seconds after I did.
He was so sweet and said he wanted to go to grab some wine anyway.
So he told me to take my time getting ready and it wasn't a big deal if we were a little late.
He made a joke about as long as he got a kiss when I came down.
So I got ready and he picked up some wine.
I was nervous because I had my curly hair (pretty much almost every time he has seen me I've had a blow out and I realize this may be so insignificant but I worry because that's what I do).
So when I first saw him we had a quick kiss on the lips (swoon).
Anywho he was waiting for me and had a bottle of water waiting in the car.
He is seriously so thoughtful.
And during our drive at one point he said..."I'm sorry I was just reliving our kiss when I first saw you".
And I was beaming at that comment.
So we had about an hour and a half drive to Niagara to head back to MissDentist and her boyfriend's home.
He missed his turn which he blaimed on "I was distracted by how beautiful you are"...
Double swoon.
I always just blush and say "thank you".
We arrived at their home.
I had brought some red gerbera daisies to match there fabulous red kitchen.
And we got right started with the drinks and apps.
They had quite the spread.
Cheese and crackers and sushi and olives and all kinds of great stuff.
Some wonderful wines.
Miss Dentist and I were quickly engroused in conversation.
She kept saying things that reminded me of Tay.
I kept saying "you must meet Taylor y'all are two peas in a pod!"
We had barbequed whole red snapper with a tomato tower and grilled peppers.
Seriously they make the BEST food ever.
I wish I had taken pics!
Then we went for a quick walk and we saw some of their different things in their backyard.
Am I being vague?! I apologize but I truely value their friendship and invitation into their home so I don't want to give away too much.
Which is also why I don't share pics of their home on here.
We laughed and talked and just had a really really great time.
Dessert was flambed bananas and ice cream and brownie.
OMG seriously it is better than eating in a restaurtant.
And what makes it even better?!
They are the kindest most fun people ever!
And MrDentist had some kind words for myself.
So then as the night was winding down.
The bedroom dilemna.
Just like the hotel room dilemna.
(That we ended up using one of two room...oops!)
I feel torn.
Partially because I don't want to look like a slhore.
Partially because I really REALLY like him.
So we started off cuddling on the couch.
Which became making out on the couch until after 3am.
To us being very tired and heading to bed together.
Now nothing happened except for some intense making out.
In fact I kept on my pajamas of t-shirt and sweatpants on all night.
And lordy does he have the greatest body ever.
(He was shirtless).
Did you ever see Crazy Stupid Love?
Well in the preview when Emma Stone says "seriously it's like your're photoshopped!"
That is what it is like looking at him!
Here's the trailer (that quote happens in the last 20 seconds of it).
He is amazing.
We woke up and I was mildly embarrassed
(with the realization of coming out of the guest room together).
Everyone made a little joke of it at breakfast.
Which was eggs benedict amazingness.
So we headed away from Niagara and back into the city.
First to check out more condos again.
Then due to my cancellation MrDentist suggested we grab some lunch in Yorkville.
And I have so so so much fun with him.
I'm falling pretty darn hard.
I love talking to him.
I also love how he asked the waiter
"isn't she the most beautiful woman in this restaurant today?!"
Which makes me blush and smile all at the same time...even if it does put the waiter in a little bit of an awkward position.
So on our way out the restaurant we ran into my work colleague (which I wrote about here).
Terribly awkward.
We grabbed an espresso afterwards followed by shopping.
I didn't want our day to end.
I sort of ended up in a little bit of a crummy mood due to getting ditched.
He invited me to guys night but I declined.
He dropped me off at home and we had a quick kiss goodbye.
He texted me "I miss you already".
Triple swoon!
Thought I was so so soooooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly bored last night.
I went for a run instead.
But y'all I'm in trouble.
I like him way way too much.
I've cancelled every other possible date because I just really really like him.
And to be honest I have 0 interest in anyone else.
And I'm afraid I won't play it cool enough.
I'm a total dork.
A totally smitten dork.
It's been a very VERY long time since I've felt this way...

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