Because this is the moment of falling.
Where a *ding of the phone fills me with anticipation.
Then to open it and see a message from MrDentist makes me smile instantly.
Especially when it starts off with a "hey babe"
(Can I tell you how much I LOVE nicknames!!!)
It's "that" time when I think songs are all about us.
Like this one that I've had on repeat.
It's a sexy song.
It would be a fun song to ummmm yea anyway haha.
Even the video I think is pretty racy.
So he texted me...from boys weekend in Vegas.
I think that is a totally big deal!
And I'm so excited.
Especially after getting off facetime with Tay where we totally reasoned that quite fairly I shouldn't expect to hear from him at all during boys weekend in Vegas.
But then to hear from him 10 minutes after I talked to Tay.
Seriously I'm falling hard.

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