Moving day Saturday...excited.
Having to replace the back tires of my vehicle before leaving and it packed to the roof...frustrating.
Side trip to a tire place with my dad so an unexpected hang out time before my big move...nice.
Driving to my next "move" alone again...reflective.
Arriving at Eva's place...happy.
Unpacking a car in this heat...sweaty.
Texting MM my new "Toronto" area code number...nerveracking.
Getting ready for Eva's husbands birthday BBQ Saturday night...girly.
Seeing Eva's husband's brother who was the last one to hang out with MM before things got weird...awkward.
Waking up Sunday morning and heading to Kingston to surprize Sophie with a baby shower with all the Waterloo girls...heartwarming.
Watching Sophie open baby gifts...adorable.
Watching Quinn and Sophie take pictures with their preggo bellies touching...beautiful.
Eating way too much food that we had all potlucked...stuffed!
Going for a walk along the lake with all the girls to try and destuff...peaceful.
Laying out my clothes Sunday night for my first day of work...anxious.
Eva making me an AMAZING lunch for Monday...appreciation.
Heading into work today for my first day...intimidating.
Getting blown off in a meeting (not with people I work with in office more of like a colleague in the area...but still)...annoying.
Cute boy coming in to do training for the front staff at my office...curious.
Thai food for lunch with the staff...yummy.
Getting to save Eva's lunch for tomorrow...awesome.
Coming "home" to cupcakes (seriously Eva is amazing) and dinner being cooked...mouthwatering.
Watching Eva and her husband be newlyweds (not like THAT! just in cute interactions)...jealousy.
Watching their newly arrived DVD of the wedding...emeraldeyed.
Judging myself in the wedding video as fat...disappointing.
Going for a walk after dinner in their cute suburby town...calming.
Still not hearing from MM at all...frustrating.
Realizing that I will likely never hear from MM...unresolved.
Catching up on blogs...comforting.
Wrapping up everything...exhausted.

Aw, love the format of this post. Congrats on your first day of work! Yay for a cute boy on the first day ;) . And cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!