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In the last week or so...
MrFinance responded to Eva's text response (the itsnotyouitsme excuse that she wrote him on my birthday) with...
Hey Teagan. Happy belated bday. I hope you had a great day. Thank you for letting me know. I understand and respect your decision. However, I would like to say that I believe in who you are as a person and believe that there is potential for us to be great together. I wish you the best as well.
And part of me debates whether it is worth a shot...but sometimes the spark just isn't there.
I went to the Jay-Z and Kanye West concert. It was AMAZING. They are truly talented and consummate professionals. Not only did they play music from their collaborative album Watch the Throne. They played all their good hits... like Golddigger, Stronger, Hard Knock Life, Big Pimping and their interaction with the crowd was incredible. There was 50 foot rising platforms with video on all sides that was amazing too.
That day I also had my work review.
It went awful.
I can't even begin to get into it but it went horribly.
At the above mentioned concert I may have had 5 or 6 glasses of wine...oopsie can we say stressed much?!
On Thursday I had a ROUGH day at work...after the previous already rough day.
And I was set to meet up after work for a date.
A date from online...that I sort of wasn't that excited to attend.
I picked the place and I had to keep pushing back the time and I looked like CRAP because I came from work....and I wasn't expected it to be all that great to be honest.
Well we met.
And our 7:30 drink date turned into a bite to eat and then lasted until after 11:30.
The conversation was amazing.
He was so cute.
And bonus points English accent...so we will refer to him as MrBrit.
And hopefully you will hear a lot more about him.
I'm trying not to get too excited about him yet.
We are supposed to hang out again but nothing yet set in stone (darn it).
But I'm being hesitant to message him but I really want to.
Maybe I should message him.
Ughh maybe I shouldn't. I won't for now.
Friday was work Christmas party.
Which was awkward considering how Wednesday went.
And I got hit on way too often and it is such a boys club and I can't quite grasp that I'm apparently supposed to use this to my advantage only I have no idea how.
And I left feeling all aggitated and stressed.
Saturday I went shopping with another sorority sister and then we watched Breaking Dawn Part One.
It was okay.
To be honest I was kind of disappointed.
I was supposed to meet up with another boy for a date only he got "kidnapped by his friend to a club downtown". You can bet I scratched that.
Even when he messaged me the next day to hang out.
Yea I don't think so...if this is how you are for a first date imagine what he would be like when he is comfortable in a relationship? I'm all for saying no to date-ditchers.
Another one who I was supposed to go on a date with this coming Wednesday we've been texting.
Based on his text messages alone I don't want to meet him
But now I don't know how to get out of it.
Let's call him MrEbonics.
Because everytime he texts it goes like this.
I am going to d gym.
chat l8tr
how was d weekend
how d weather in TO?
Seriously...and it completely bothers me! So I think I'm going to not go on this date.
So much so that I already planned another date with MrEngineer on Wednesday.
I know can you keep up? Because I barely can!
But it's fun.
Tonight was another trip to the vet because of my dog.
He is not doing well and this has me pretty stressed.
He totally was crying in the vet.
And I could barely keep it together.
He is sleeping in my lap right now and I do not know what I'm going to do if he continues to not do well :(
So the quick rundown of upcoming things...
Tomorrow I am hanging out with my sorority sister Laurel.
Wednesday date night with MrEngineer.
Thursday we have a night alumni event at a place called Eat My Martini :)
And Saturday Jacob is supposed to come into town for a visit.
Oh wait did you read that right?!
Yup I was hoping to gloss over that...
My life is totally nutso right now.