What a GREAT weekend!
Hope yours was equally amazing.
My Friday night was spent doing laundry, packing up for the weekend, and watching Letters to Juliet.
I know I know hardly the exciting thing that I like to brag about but a necessity I guess.
Here's the trailer in case you missed it.
Obviously a chickflick, and filmed in Italy so obviously I loved it...and even found it to be the least annoying of Amanda Siegfried whatsherface's movies.
Saturday I was so SLOW in getting up and getting going which is beginning to be a pattern for me.
I think it may be all the driving I'm doing back and forth to the TDot.
My main plan was to hang out with Val for the evening.
Talking to MM (Mystery Man who I think needs a better moniker but for now MM it will be because I'm too lazy I can't think of anything better at the moment) we didn't know if we would have a chance to see each other this weekend.
The last thing we had done was the Sunday date of bowling and lunch in my home town (read here).
So we had chatted and after I gave him a hard time of waiting until Thursday evening to make plans (doesn't he KNOW that is soooooo against "the Rules") I said all I had left in my busy weekend was possibly lunch on Saturday because I had plans with Val.
It was going to be too tight for him because he was thinking I was offering to spare 2 hours for lunch on Saturday in my hometown (with a four hour + round trip for him)...once I realized that...I reminded him Val lived in Toronto so I would be there and could just head there earlier in the day (since we had late afternoon/dinner plans).
So overall he was pretty excited about that (and I was too!)
So I finally headed to the TDot and I was singing/dancing to Britney's Femme Fatale...seriously how ridiculosuly good is that CD?! It puts me in a great mood. If you ever see a girl bobbing around while singing her heart out to Britney on Highway 401 it's probably me.
So I get there and I pulled up to his place in my Beast of a car.
He was already waiting outside wearing jeans and a black T-shirt and just looking classically handsome.
My heart starting beating just a little bit faster.
So I go to park in visitors parking underground in his condo building.
The only spot was IMMEDIATELY as you pulled underground.
MM must have noted the look of shear panic on my face as I contemplated how exactly I would manuever the Beast into the parking spot.
So he said "Teagan just follow me and park in my spot and then I can put my car in that spot until we leave."
So thoughtful and nice.
After I parked we hugged and then before heading out he said he wanted to show me his place.
Really nice condo...total boybachelor pad...inclusive of a ginormous vat of protein powder on the kitchen counter (is it bad that I secretly like that?)
So he gave me the tour of the place...and was really sweet about it.
AND he had a surprize for me...flowers and something for my dog (will post about that later).
So thoughtful and sweet to not only give me flowers (which I love love love and they were a perfect colour! (well besides pink~ though I think he is actually colourblind for real) but to think of my dog too.
Then we hopped in his car and headed to College street in Toronto for a Taste of Little Italy Festival.
Which is basically where they shut the street down and the restaurants extend their patios and often have special food and drinks and there are little street fair type things like small rides/games/etc.
So we just walked around and chatted.
Here's a description from here.
It's summer, which means street festival season in Toronto. This weekend (June 17 – 19) Taste of Little Italy takes over College St. from Bathurst to Shaw. Besides bands, street performers and fun activities for the kiddies, the highlight of the fest is checking out samples from more than 45 area restaurants. Ranging in price from $1 to $5 a sample, visitors can check out everything from ice cream to pasta. Participating restaurants include Frank's Kitchen, L.A.B., Sidecar and Cafe Diplomatico.
I have the BEST time with him and this is seriously something I love to do.
He has some friends who run a restaurant there so we met them for a few minutes.
This made me incredibly nervous for some reason.
We stopped and got ice cream and just chatted and chatted.
He said we could stop for food but you know when it is hot outside and you are nervous...you don't really have a huge appetite...so ice cream it was.
Then we headed toward Queen street where they were setting up for the MMVA's the next day which is Canada's equivalent to MTV Video Awards. It was so cool to see the set up but I didn't want to nerdout to bad and take pictures...but it was seriously so cool.
Set to perform was Lady Gaga, Avril, Down with Webster and a bunch of other performers and hosts including the Biebs, Selena Gomez, Drake (LOVE), etc.
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That's Colin Ferral?, Drake, the Biebs and his GF host Selena Gomez. And if you look super close the Biebs is seriously wearing a Kelly Kapowski (Saved by the Bell) T-shirt! |
It was neat to see the set up and will definitely try to get to it at some point.
It is super hard to go because its free but... you have to line up for wrist bands like a week in advance.
Before I knew it it was close to 5 so I headed out to meet up with Val.
And we ended the date with a hug...he totally makes me so nervous at the end and I'm sure I make things awkward myself...more about that later.
So I met up with Val and took the subway to an area of Toronto called Yorkville (which is a place that I love and we had visited once before (read here)).
Turns out Mark Walberg just purchased a condo there
(I guess it IS a super trendy place in Toronto)!
And the next day the place was also visited by Tori Spelling and her family (I totally would have loved to run into them because I'm a HUGE fan and have read all her books).
Anywho we had no celebrity sitings but we did decide to try a restaurant there called Ciao and it was FAB-U-LOUS.
We shared the brushetta and argula/endive/roasted mushroom salad to start.
Val had the Gargonzola Gnotti and I had a Lobster Risotto that was to DIE for.
Then we decided to grab drinks and dessert somewhere else.
After walking all around Yorkville (which is super gorgeous and swarming with gorgeous people too).
There was definitely a ton of women teetering in Louboutin heels and beautiful cocktail dresses.
Val and I kind of giggled at our non "high fashion" wardrobe...her in a military cotton button up dress and myself in a cotton jersey dress with cotton sash. Both of us in comfortable ballet flats.
We finally settled on going to Hemingways again (the same place we had gone to a few months ago read here).
As we waited for a table I felt like a squirt of liquid ...kind of like when someone squeezes a lemon or lime into their drink but thought nothing of it.
A few minutes later I felt it again.
Then Val said "okay this is really weird but I fell like I'm getting wet or something but it keeps happening".
And I was like "ME TOO!"
We could not figure out what direction it was coming from.
THEN the next time it happened we found an ice cube that had skittered to a stop in front of our drinks...clearly someone was throwing ice cubes at us.
However we couldn't figure out where they were coming from.
But in the nick of time we were gathered to sit at a patio table.
Where we ordered an ice cream dessert to share and a few rum and cokes.
We had some fun conversations...she suggested that I "linger" more to advance out of the hugging stage with MM.
She also gently assessed that I, in a sense, needed to learn to hug like back in Uni.
So that is I guess an embarrassing confession, let me explain.
I didn't really ever know how to hug well.
My family isn't exactly a hugging type.
The girls in Uni gently pointed it out to me.
They wouldn't allow me to do the one arm hug.
And I had this tendency to hug fast and draw away quick with my eyes averted away...like I was shy about it.
I had sort of forgotten about that until Val said...do you think you may have reverted to that?
And it was a stunning realization I DEFINITELY do that with MM because I'm so nervous and shy.
I definitely do not linger.
I pondered out loud with her about that and we discussed Spencer and maybe he thought I didn't care for him in some of my actions because I have to work at being affectionate in a way because it is harder for me...so maybe sometimes I come across as colder or more unaffectionate.
Which is weird because the truth of the matter is I'm starved for affection and I love being touchy and feely with people usually but I guess only when I'm comfortable with them.
However, I definitely am not comfortable yet with MM so the hug at the end of the night is just tons of added pressure I think.
So Val encouraged me to linger more and not be so quick to turn away with MM.
She said "Teagan you need to be confident...you are a beautiful smart fun and caring girl...he's not going to NOT kiss you but you may need to give him a better opportunity."
My friends are totally insightful and amazing and supportive.
Around 12:30pm we were both tired so we headed back to her place and had some spiced hot tea before heading to bed.
The next morning we SLOWLY woke up (see a pattern yet haha).
I showered quickly and prepped for my Sunday interview (yup an interview on a Sunday).
When I got out of the shower...this is the breakfast Val "threw together".
Delicious scones, yogurt, granola, fruit salad and raspberries.
My friends are incredible and talented and I mean just look at this!
So I headed downtown for my interview.
The place was beautiful and posh and in a great area for more of a high end clientele.
I already got called in for a second interview Wednesday.
It is a split one straight commission also but it is pretty darn awesome and in a GREAT area of the TDot. So this is a dilemma for sure.
I realized after I happened to be really close to MM's place...and in a serendipitous moment he messaged me right then! Asking if I had time to stop by even for just a coffee because he would really like to see me that day.
Seriously I'm trying not to be smitten with this boy but I'm not being so successful at that.
So I stopped at his place and we walked to a small coffee shop.
We sat and enjoyed the fantastic weather and iced coffee and just chatted...and he totally touched my knee a few times ...YEA!!!!
We had a great talk (as per usual with us)...I may have said "I like you" which is pretty bold of me.
But I'm afraid that's where the boldness ended I completely forgot to linger etc so we had another hug goodbye. Which I sort of kicked myself in the butt about on the drive home.
Then I headed home for Father's Day celebrations.
I had planned to take my family bowling (obviously inspired by Sunday's date with MM).
My brother never plans or does anything so this was my plan.
I had called my brother earlier and told him to be ready for 3 and I would pick him up then my parents.
When I got to his place he was in swim trunks and said "I just need to grab hot peppers from the fridge".
I was like "why do we need hot peppers to go bowling?"
He said "we decided we didn't want to do that so I told dad to barbecue instead at his house".
My brother who had gone out last night drinking at a SnoopDog concert until the wee hours of the morning called my parents to do this because he is selfish and lazy.
I was so angry.
I was trying to do something fun and different with my family.
We have never gone bowling together.
AND since the Mother's Day debauchery of dinner (I only briefly mentioned it here) so from that experience I realized that us just sitting around and eating and drinking does NOT typically fare well.
This was my solution and I got trumped by the family.
I was upset because my dad always will do stuff for us and this was a chance to have fun and have him not be responsible for cooking etc.
I was so completely irritated by the time we got there.
My dad was (happily) barbecuing for us.
As we sat outside having lunch I found myself quiet.
As my brother drank a bottle or two of wine and gorged on BBQ I was still seething.
Everyone continued to eat and drink a lot and I just drifted further and further away.
Sometimes I really feel like I'm adopted.
I don't eat the same, drink the same, talk the same or think the same as my family.
This sometimes makes me sad.
I just really don't fit it.
I felt sad because to me it seemed like this ended up being not at all for my dad and I was frustrated at this.
I felt like my brother made it about himself and what he felt like doing on a Sunday afternoon.
Maybe my dad didn't want to go bowling or something?
Not sure ...I just didn't feel so good about this Father's Day.
So I was kind of in a bad bummer mood.
I went home and started to get organized for the week.
Then MM called and we talked for two and a half hours!
It was so much fun.
And just when I was worried that I talked to him entirely WAY too long...he sent me a text message that said..."Simply put, you put a huge smile on my face. Have a good night and sweet dreams."
So hopefully he is just as happy as I am with the marathon phone conversations.
And that is how my weekend was filled with ice cube throwin', interview inpressin' and mystery man crushin'
I'm the same way with hugs and putting myself into a position to be kissed and - oh, I know that awkward end of date is-this-going-to-be-a-hug-or-kiss moment.
ReplyDeleteBut it sounds like it is all going well despite that and I am THRILLED that you're having fun hanging out with him. :)
@A- First...I can't even tell you how much I loved all your comments and I'm going to respond (and fill your inbox opps) to each one (just maybe not today)!
ReplyDeleteOkay I'm so glad that someone else feels awkward about the whole is-this-going-to-be-a-hug-or-kiss moment...I can tell you that so far they have all been hug moments. It is going well and I'm afraid to get too excited but still trying to just enjoy myself :)