So on Wednesday I had another new interview .
And not to be cocky but I have now had 8 interviews and been offered 7 positions.
Which should make me happy right?
Instead I'm just frustrated at the prospects.
Mainly because the money is what feels so wrong.
I have officially turned down 2, have to turn down 3 more (they are pending partly because I hate confrontation and rejecting people, and partly because it is eliminating options).
I have two possibilities, that I will touch on later.
So Wednesday I had an interview that went really well.
The cool thing about it is that I realized it was 5 minutes away from Eva's work.
So I quickly BBMd here and made sure she was there.
The AMAZING thing about being in the TDot (of a zillion reasons) is that I get to do stuff like this.
Stopping by Eva's place.
So I stopped by a florist and bakery to get some treats for her.
I haven't seen her since their fabulous wedding (read here).
I got her some of my favourite flowers in my favourite colours...k that sounds selfish at first but myself and her have the EXACT same taste.
Then I thought I would get some fun cupcakes for her and her staff.
It is so awesome to be able to surprise her and hang out.
So I hung out in the back sharing cupcakes and talking about MM.
If you remember it is Eva who wanted us to meet/responsible for the setup.
We were chatting away and she said, "you know when I met him I just thought of you...maybe it is the slight dorkiness/fashion/happy/smart/pop culture combo in him that made me think instantly of you."
Good thing I was there so she could help me pick the outfit for that night's date with MM.
I was explaining to her that it was really nice that he had done so many nice things for me that I wanted to do something nice for him.
Eva quickly came up with a plan (she is great at coming up with plans).
First, I was supposed to hug him and kiss him on the cheek when I first saw him.
Her would open the door for a goodbye kiss and it was unexpected.
Second,I could get him something for his also soon to be job switch (as he is likely leaving his company and has also been going on interviews recently...we do have a ridiculous amount in common).
We brainstormed and we thought of a Texas mickey of Grey Goose (his drink of choice).
And no card because it is too soon...but I should "say" a card.
Also I should present it like...I thought we could have a celebratory drink before going out for dinner....which would lead to more flirting etc over drinks.
That was the plan...
Instead when I got to his place I chickened out of a kiss on the cheek and instead sort of awkwardly presented him the bottle of GreyGoose and said "I got this for you" ..awkward pause..."ummm for the new job". He seemed happy with it and said I didn't have to but it was very sweet of me.
So instead of coming off cool as Eva had wanted I instead presented him a bottle of liquor in a mumbly type yea that didn't come off quite as anticipated.
Then we headed out for dinner at a place called Mercatto.
Cool fact the executive chef there is currently in the top four of TopChef Canada (yes the Canadian spin off of TopChef).
I thought it was GORGEOUS inside.
It was Italian (which is probably my fav).
MM has this fun habit of us scanning the appetizer menu and making sure we like everything and then asking our server to pick two for us.
Part surprise and part fun I actually really really enjoy this.
Then we split one of their pizzas which they are known for.
As we were eating Val messaged me.
And we arranged to head towards her area in the TDot for after dinner drinks.
It was the first time MM was hanging with one of my friends
(well he knew Eva from meeting her before).
It was great and enjoyable and we had drinks on a cool little patio.
All three of us were chatter boxes just laughing and enjoying ourselves.
I remember thinking...I think I belong here.
And that was a really nice thing to think after the craziness of this year.
Then we went home and there were hugs all around so therefore definitely no time for a kiss or that awkward pausing that
Val gave him a more in depth thumbs up that was good.
We chatted for a bit before crashing out.
And that was last Wednesday...

Pics from here, and my cell phone
Oh, maybe it was a little awkward but he got the thought behind it - and it was so sweet!
ReplyDeleteIs there nothing so satisfying as the feeling that you're somewhere that you belong? Glad you're moving towards being at that place. Happy for you!
@A- oh my awkwardness is truly amazing sometimes...