Afternoon tea for a sorority alumni gathering.
I seriously love afternoon tea.
Also a perfect excuse to reuse this outfit and fascinator.
What do you think?
Fascinator!!! I made this one years ago.
And here it is with one of my favourite coats because it sure is getting cool here.
Oh yes and fun fact for my long time readers.
This is "the coat" from the story of "that weekend where I had a close encounter with a chef"...and if you missed it you can read it here.
How long ago does that seem?
Anywho moving on...
I was so so excited to have tea.
As I was getting ready MrFinance called.
I didn't answer at first.
And his message basically said he had a really fun time (as did I) and he wanted to get together again soon maybe that afternoon.
So remember how I wrote I didn't know if I should go on a date or not I figured maybe I should give him another chance.
So I called him and we chatted about where I was going to be for afternoon tea and it was close to his place so we made plans to hang out after.
I then headed to the Old Mill Inn and Spa in Toronto.
It is beautiful!
There was also a wedding taking place there and I was entering the inn when she was rounding the bottom of the stairs to head to her wedding ceremony.
We caught each other's eyes and I gave a smile and nod and she smiled wide.
Then I made my way to the room we had for tea.
It was great.
I found myself socializing and making new friends...I even scored two numbers (which sounds like picking up but it is in fact WAY better because it may lead to more besties like Taylor!)
These are the ladies who got their 65 year pins.
How incredible is that?
And their friends were there to pin them...and I got a little teary eyed and thought that maybe in in about 50 years maybe it would be Taylor and I doing that :)
Then we stuffed our faced with these delishious things.
Then I headed from there to meet MrFinance.
He invited me into his condo so that we could decide where to eat.
He complimented my dress and didn't make fun of my fascinator (double bonus points!)
After a glass of wine we settled on an English Gastro Pub called the Queen and Beaver.
It was really quaint and perfect for a date night.
Our converstion continued to flow and we shared more travel stories over dinner.
Afterwards we walked around downtown and he held my hand.
I had been wearing those high heels all day so at some point I must have started hobbling so MrFinance suggested we grab a cab the rest of the way (what a gentleman!)
Then he invited me in for a drink and to hang out some more.
So I did and we chatted and held hands some more.
Then I said it was late and stood up to leave.
And he was in front of me standing there...smiling.
And in my head the alarm bells started going off...he totally is going to kiss me.
And he did...and it was...okay.
Yup just okay.
I wonder if part of it was panic on my part.
And I just haven't quite figured out if we have that certain chemistry.
Then he walked me down to the car and kissed me again...and again...just so-so.
Hmmmm this could be a predicament.
Then he asked when could he see me again.
And I stammered and hummed and hawed before settling on Thursday.
Partly because I'm also so so busy having to move and this is not something he knows because really not something he needs to know.
I'm unsure what to do.
Keep going on more dates?
Stop now?
I'm totally unsure.

Pics from here, here, here
Oh, gosh, I am horrible at giving advice so I will not comment on what you should/shouldn't do but EEEEEEEEEEEEE!
ReplyDeleteI like stories that involve boys who aren't afraid to kiss you, even if maybe they're not the right boy.
@A- thanks :) I know I'm always stumped as well. True story I guess it is better to be kissed right now then not at all even if he isn't the right boy.