Coming off my first week back to work after vacation is always busy in itself.
Friday night I finally got to unpack and do laundry.
Saturday I woke up early and spent the day in meetings.
It's for this side project I haven't mentioned but it certainly is causing me a lot of stress.
From there I had to rush home and change into my Halloween costume.
This year I was the Silk Spectre II.
aka a costume only true nerds like myself would know. one knew what I was. one else was dressed like it.
Pic from here |
Where we drunkingly joked around and had a fun night.'s a quirk I haven't dealt with as of yet...someone who showers ummm every time RIGHT that weird?
Should I take it to mean he thinks that's dirty or I'm dirty or something? All I know is that I should have been gutsy and self-confident and jumped right on in there with him but I don't.
Instead I lay there and over think things.
Anywho I also of course make things always terribly awkward because lets face it I'm terribly awkward.
I think I made a comment about how I think he is way more "experienced" than I am.
I cringe everytime I think of Sunday morning.
Purely based on my behaviour.
While things likely won't work out (let's be real when do they?) I find myself kind of hoping that at least I get another chance to redeem myself. I mean more in the personality sense.
I think I came across really insecure and not myself Sunday morning.
I heard from him via one text yesterday and nothing today.
So of course in my mind I think he's totally lost interest.
And then I go back and forth on if I should call him or text him....and then I talk myself out of doing that. Ugh!
I'm probably overthinking it...that or my instinct is bang on.
Either way I think I need to pump the brakes a little bit.
Just for myself...given the absolute madness of these last two to three weeks.
I need to slow things down.
Which is much harder when you're already feel like you're flying down a hill.

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