Trip to see Taylor!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Box Mix

Pic from here.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight so I meant to totally catch up.
But sometimes it helps to just start from scratch.
Well not complete scratch...I more of a make a cake from a box mix and make my own frosting so it SEEMS totally homemade lol.

So here goes...

  • the final day of my Dallas trip- awesome and I cried...I cannot leave Taylor without bawling my eyes out...and every part of me wants to be in Dallas
  • my Ann Arbor trip (minus the Will drama that I did tell you about before and instead filled with fun tails of meeting a new blogger friend who was even more amazing in real life than on her blog IF that was possible)- new blogger friend who is amazing and that is the focus of the trip...Will and I are back to buddies and I may have sent him a totally inappropriate (ie. rude) birthday card that put us back in the bro relationship
  • Dating MrRealtor - still...things were going I'm not so sure...but it may have been him showing up at my place on Friday drunk.  Not cute.  Slurring. Not cute.  Grabby. Not cute.  But I made it awkward and I made him leave.  And he spent the next day beating himself up (rightfully so).
  • Trying to avoid dating B (and I feel soooooooooo guilty about it)- I'm successfully avoiding it.  I will see him this Saturday at a Halloween party...dressed as Catwoman (Anne Hathaway Catwoman).
  • Getting bored with the internet dating thing which reminds me I need to cancel my membership!- yipes I forgot but the $209 charged to my credit card sure didn't...that stung!
  • Mundane things in life like car emissions testing/errand/etc that are so boring...making me wish I had a personal assistant!- finished those.
  • I think I owe you a apartment tour update as some things have changed since I first moved in and I'm renewing my lease here...and yes that is sad because it means I'm not moving to a fabulous new country or downtown :(  - will do this FOR sure.
  • Fun new girly activities with my new CanadianCrew ...though they aren't really new anymore- we started a book's awesome!
  • Dress shopping with Laurel for her big day- has been super duper stressful.  As in the other girls have basically all bailed and I'm trying to be supportive.
  • I'm sure I will think of more stuff like my new obsession with FourSquare- totally it. Are you on it?

  • So what's new with y'all?
    I think I will let you know about my fun time Friday night.
    I took Val out for her birthday at a super cool new restaurant in Toronto.

    OH and if you're wondering yes I did throw a dual baby shower (with Val) for Eva and Jane.
    And it was awkward.
    And has made me rethink a lot of things about friendship.

    So anywho.
    I will be better because I need to unwind by blogging.
    Now wonder I've been so stressed out.
    I haven't been blogging!

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